***SUNNYHILLS RESIDENTS – WE NEED YOUR HELP*** Save Our Fortyfoot Lane Reserve

***SUNNYHILLS RESIDENTS – WE NEED YOUR HELP*** Save Our Fortyfoot Lane Reserve

Fortyfoot Lane reserve is being sold by the Council .

We cannot let this happen for our community and for future generations. If we don’t stand up and stop our reserve being sold, more of our area’s parks, reserves and greenspace will continue to be taken away.

Our reserves are used for family time, relaxation, and exercise for us and our pets – but this will all be taken away from us and our kids, and from new families joining our neighbourhood if we don’t act NOW. The Fortyfoot Lane reserve is also home to beautiful birds such as Tui and Parrots.

Our greenspace is becoming more and more valuable as more buildings are developed in and around Sunnyhills.

All of this will be taken away if we don’t all act NOW.

Together we can stop the reserve being taken away by each of us sending as many individual submissions to the Council as possible (submissions are expected to open in the next month or so). Creating your submission won’t take long, and we are happy to help with anything you need.

We are also asking to gather any stories and photos about the reserve being used over the years, as well as any photos of native birds in or around the reserve, so we can send them to support our plea to Council.

We have our local Councillors’ and MP’s support however without your individual submission, the Council will not listen. Please urgently text or phone your details and willingness to support to Bernie Jessiman on 021487589
For your photos or stories, or any other questions, please email Bernie at berniejessiman@xtra.co.nz

Together we can STOP Council taking away this valuable part of our community

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