

Despite opposition from our Local Councillors, Auckland Council have approved 9R Fortyfoot Lane Reserve, Sunnyhills for disposal as part their “Asset-Recycling” initiatives – to generate funds to cover a budgetary shortfall. Now that Council have internally agreed to dispose of the reserve, in favour of selling the land for housing, they must follow the process required by Reserves Act 1977 in order to revoke the land’s status as a reserve, to enable the area to be re-zoned.

The process requires that a public notice be made, and that Council provide a resolution to any objections to the reserve being removed before passing to Department of Conservation for final decision and action. The public notice has been served, and we now only have until 5 pm 31 March 2021 to provide any objections before Council move onto the next stage.

The Public Notice can be viewed at this link: https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/have-your-say/public-notices/Pages/Proposed-Reserve-Revocations-2R-Ti-Rakau-Dr,-Pakuranga-9R-Fortyfoot-Lane-Sunnyhills-76R-Aberfeldy-Ave,-Highland-Park-.aspx

We ask that we have as many individual submissions as possible, to show our strong community opposition to the removal of green space, specifically 9R Fortyfoot Lane Reserve, Sunnyhills.

The Council needs money now – we get that – but there are other commercial avenues that they can go harder on, without the long term expense of people’s health and wellbeing caused by selling community assets and green space.

Who are we?

We’re a third generation Sunnyhills family – with my parents being foundation builders and owners in the Sunnyhills area. Like me, our son is a proud ex-pupil of Sunnyhills Primary – and a frequent user of the FortyFoot Lane Reserve for soccer, throwing a football around, and just hanging out with friends.

He loves his sport and generally running around, and I would hate to see that taken away from him, and from our current and future families who choose to live in and join the area.

We’re not alone – there is a strong diverse network of owners, renters and families in Sunnyhills who are banding together to get the message out to everyone, and help where they can. Please support us, and help keep Sunnyhills a family-friendly, safe neighbourhood – as our community continues to grow.