Improving access to GREENSPACE – a report by Public Health England
Many, many good points in the paper below, presented by Public Health England, which reinforce why it’s so important to keep our green spaces – especially in the times of COVID-19; some key statements from the paper include:
“Evidence shows that living in a greener environment can promote and protect good health, and aid in recovery from illness and help with managing poor health.”
“Greener environments are also associated with better mental health and wellbeing outcomes including reduced levels of depression, anxiety, and fatigue, and enhanced quality of life for both children and adults.”
“‘Natural capital’ can help local authorities address local issues that they face, including improving health and wellbeing, managing health and social care costs, reducing health inequalities, improving social cohesion and taking positive action to address climate change.”
In contrast, the paper states “When local health priorities are not reflected within the Local Plan, it can be difficult to make the case for specific planning standards to be implemented to address health needs, or to defend planning decisions made on health grounds.”
“Despite this, it can be challenging to make a compelling case, and often greenspace is still seen as a liability rather than an asset.”
We MUST urge Council to prioritise our community’s local health!